
a brief biography (as of the end of October 2003)

Ichiro Higashiizumi
art director / designer

Born in Tokyo in 1958. After studying science and engineering, Higashizumi chose design as his profession. Since embarking on a graphic design career, he has been active in various fields, including product design, Web projects and space design. His recent work includes integrated design operations such as the "Sensorium", an experimental Internet installation Higashizumi co-directed, which was awarded The Golden Nica of ARS ELECTRONICA 97 and has been launched at several overseas venues; the exhibition concept and design for the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation and production concept work for the 2002 FIFA world Cup Korea/Japan.


Higashiizumi attended Waseda University, majoring in System Engineering (Cosmology/Artificial Intelligence) in the Science and Engineering Department.
After leaving Waseda, he worked in construction for a bit, and then transferred to The Tama Art University.
Upon graduating, Higashiizumi began a career in graphic design.
From 1983 to 1986, he worked as a designer at RYUKO-TSUSHIN/STUDIO VOICE, a fashion-cultural magazine publishing company.
In 1994, he established "Higraph Tokyo".

In addition to graphic design for advertising and editorials, he has participated in the following exhibitions and projects:

+ AU-KDDI Corporation, announced the prototypes of cellular phone
+ United Arows Gallery, Sign Gallery, Tsukidi-Mansion Warehouse, "TAPING" installations (series of tape-drawing installations)
+ "Visualogue" 2003 Icograda Congress Nagoya/Japan -- Speaker of "Interaction Design" sessions / a member of Congress planning comitee
+ (Icograda: International Council of Graphic Design Associations)
+ Tokyo Designers Block - Central East, installation and performance

+ 2002 FIFA World Cup, Commendation Ceremony -- Design and direction of Paper Snowstorm
+ Football formation analysis program -- Interface construction and design
+ Samsonite, new lineup -- Main visual illustration of advertisement
+ Next-generation Portable Telephone (AU, KDDI Corporation.) -- Concept work, interface and product design
+ "While You Were Here..." -- Design for "The Center of Future" (Innsbruck)
+ "T-shirts as MediaÓ Exhibition by Dictionary Magazine -- T-shirt and graphic design

+ "A Hands-on Model of the Internet", National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, Japan -- Planning and design
+ "IMPAKU", Internet Expo -- Design and direction for Center Entrance
+ Sunday Mainichi Magazine, (collaboration with Public Design Service) -- Art direction
+ "T-shirts as MediaÓ Exhibition by Dictionary Magazine -- T-shirt design
+ Toyota Will VC Web Design
+ "SUPER BUTTER DOG", Toshiba EMI -- CD cover art design and visual direction of promotional materials
+ KAKNOH Project -- New concept furniture
+ "Trust Game" Exhibition, Intercommunication Center, Japan -- installation
+ Nifty.com, Internet provider -- Screen Saver design

+ "Object 2000" Exhibition, Gallery 91, New York
+ "Exploding Cinema", Rotterdam International Film Festival, Amsterdam
+ "Lines 2000" Exhibition, Canon Digital Art Gallery, Tokyo
+ "ZEIT Exhibition 2000", Austria -- Motion graphics for Entrance, planning and design for Check-In/Check-Out System
+ "World Wide Love" Project -- Planning and design
+ Edwin Jeans -- Advertisement and video clip
+ IDEE+E&Y, Tokyo Designers Block -- Concept design and graphics

(c) higraph inc., tokyo
